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Ningling-Shenqiu section of Puxin expressway completed and opened to traffic
Source: Date:2023年12月11日

On November 28, the opening ceremony of the Ningling-Shenqiu section of Puyang-Hubei Yangxin Expressway in Shangqiu and Zhoukou was held at Suidong New District Station in Shangqiu City, Henan Province, and Dancheng West Station in Zhoukou City, respectively. It marks the official opening and operation of the Ningling-Shenqiu section of the Puyang-Hubei Yangxin Expressway.

The Ningling-Shenqiu section of Puxin Expressway is a key project of the "Two Thousand Project" and the "13445 Project" of Henan Province's expressways, with a total length of 153.2 kilometers, accounting for 49% of the 312 kilometers of expressways opened in Henan Province in 2023. The design speed is 120 kilometers per hour, with four lanes in both directions, connecting the five existing expressways of Lianhuo, Shangdeng, Shangzhou, Yanluo and Ningluo. China Railway No.2 Group, China Railway Seventh Group, China Railway No.10 Engineering Group, China Railway Guangzhou Engineering Group and Shanghai Civil Engineering Co,.Ltd. Of CREC participated in the construction.

The Ningling-Shenqiu section of the Puxin Expressway, as an inter-provincial longitudinal encryption channel between Jiguang and Daguang national expressways, has dramatically improved the highway network in the marginal areas of provincial boundaries after its completion and has further optimized the layout of the skeleton highway network and strengthened the communication and communication of the highway network for promoting the implementation of the strategy of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin. It is significant to facilitate the construction of a comprehensive transportation system in the region and the growth of transportation, economy, and society in the marginal areas of provincial boundaries. 

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